By Anneofiver
United Kingdom
Hi All,
I moved to near Winchester last year. I love it here but now live on chalk with a thin layer of soil covering it.
I brought most of my garden in Iver with me in pots (the removal people were not impressed!!) but my hard work over the winter months has paid off because this summer has been pretty lovely and colourful.
I built two raised veggie patches and have just planted my young winter plants - cabbages, sprouting broccoli, leeks, etc - and dutifully covered the whole with netting. Horrors of horrors, just seen a cabbage white flying around inside there!! Nooooooo……… here is my question to all you lovely wise gardeners out there, how do I protect my veggies please? Is there companion planting I can do, although nasturtiums will not grow for much longer this year, is there anything else I can plant? CD flying around in the wind? Or do I have to resort to sprays and stuff?
Thanks so much for your help
4 Aug, 2018
Hi, you could always try using a smaller mesh on your netting, or put 2 lots on, not forgetting to make sure that the second layer is not in exactly the same position as the first layer, thus reducing the size of the mesh, Derek.
8 Aug, 2018
for the cabbage family once its too cold for nasturtiums its too cold for butterflies. so only thing to do is check under the fleece for small 1-2mm yellow eggs of the white butterflies and squish them. then check for caterpillars regularly, picking them off and either squish or put on bird table.
I forgot to do companion planting and fleece coverings this year. my cabbages look like lace. At least I am helping the butterfly population.
4 Aug, 2018