By Colter
United Kingdom
Can I take laurel and mock orangecuttings now?
12 Aug, 2018
I take it you mean hardwood cuttings, Julien?
Its a bit late for softwood cuttings of Philadelphus (assuming that's what you mean by mock orange) but you can do hardwood ones a bit later - link below to RHS page, scroll down to propagation, and click on either softwood or hardwood cuttings. There's an embedded link for both there. Laurels, being evergreen, do better from hardwood cuttings anyway,in my experience.
13 Aug, 2018
Yes I always take hard wood cuttings, whatever time of year and they always take.
13 Aug, 2018
Julien - I prefer to do soft or semi ripe cuttings around end of May/early June if possible - its quicker! But evergreens seem to take better with hardwood cuttings...
13 Aug, 2018
I have not tried mock orange this time of year but laurel are simple, I have taken these at most times of the year with great success, I have taken fifty last November for anew hedge, these are in a shaded situation and will be lifted in the autumn for planting of the new hedge.
13 Aug, 2018