By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
2 hitch-hikers to id please.
I suspect both are 'problems. they were in a pot with a penstemon my brother gave me. He doesn't have them in his garden.
The first is quite a bluish green and soft to the touch. about 6-9" tall and quickly filling the 0.5 litre pot.
the second is a small rush like plant clearly producing stolons . it is similar in size to pearlwort 2" tall.

2 Sep, 2018
its too small and 'blue for C pendula, I know that and it is quite 'harsh' to the touch.
2 Sep, 2018
Previous question
« I have a viburnum opulus (snowball bush) and a Physocarpus diablo which I've...
Could the first one be Carex pendula?
2 Sep, 2018