West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Should I use creosote to seal the branches I've cut on my plum tree?
It's on my new allotment.
Thank you.
19 Sep, 2018
Agree - if this is a tree you want to keep, just let it heal naturally. That stuff causes more problems than it solves. It's a tar based product & very flammable, harmful to the eyes and to breathe the vapors, can cause blistering. I don't need it on my property at all - esp w young kids and a curious dog.
19 Sep, 2018
No - leave the cut ends alone, don't apply anything, that practice of sealing pruning cuts is no longer advised, since it appeared to increase problems. For future reference though, note that stone fruits like plum should be pruned in late spring to midsummer to reduce the risk of silverleaf disease.
19 Sep, 2018