By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I'm in the NE of the UK. Can I take rose cuttings now and put them in an unheated greenhouse or a cold frame outside? Many thanks.
27 Sep, 2018
it has worked for me but what I did was a took a stem that hadn't flowered and still looks quite new and only just turning woody. I cut lengths about the size of a pencil. strip any leaves off and stuck the stem into a slit of soil in the garden. I put a spade in to full depth leant the spade over so it opened a gap, slipped the stem in put the spade back upright and removed it. then firmed the gap up with my heel. leave alone and check for signs of growth in spring and if lucky they will be ready to transplant next autumn.
well that's the way I did it and I have 2 rose trees as a result.
28 Sep, 2018
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You can certainly try, although I've never had much success I know others have.
27 Sep, 2018