United Kingdom
how can I tell whether a pot plant is over or under watered ?
- 31 Aug, 2010
Also if the pot is small enough and your back is OK.....pick it up, if it feels light...... pop it in a part filled bucket of water and let it take up what it wants. By noting the difference you will soon know when the next watering is needed. In hot weather its difficult to overwater, and the plants will start to flop. Saucers under pots can be a reason for overwatering. Best thing is to get to know your plants, as they do have different needs for water.
1 Sep, 2010
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Over watering is often worse than not enough but it's easily done when you worry that it may dry out. One way would be to use a clay pot. After some practice you can tell by it's 'ring' when you tap it.
31 Aug, 2010