By 13christine
United Kingdom
Hello everyone. We have grown onions for several years with no problems. This year however they are not keeping at all after being harvested. They are stored in perforated trays as in previous years. Can anyone tell us how we can stop this happening.
8 Oct, 2018
Could it be that you didn't allow them to dry out in the sun before storing? Any with thick necks would need to be used first. Did you use the same variety that you normally grow? Otherwise, try a different variety next year and see if you do any better. Personally, I no longer grow onions but I found Turbo did really well for keeping.
9 Oct, 2018
its been a very dry summer and I suspect the environmental conditions haven't helped in there growth, development and ripening. Have you grown the same variety that you normally do or a different one?
9 Oct, 2018
Thanks for your replies. The variety was same one, but may try Turbo next year. Not tried that one before.
9 Oct, 2018
Previous question
« I have lovely healthy broccoli plants but no florets any ideas what I'm doing...
Certain types of onions store better than others. They should be harvested once the leaves flop over at the neck, cured for about a week, then stored in mesh bags with plenty of air circulation. Here is a video which outlines the steps to successfully harvest & store onions. After watching, you can ascertain why your onions didn't hold up.
How to Harvest and Store Onions
9 Oct, 2018