By Corgiman
United Kingdom
Hi Gardening friends, I have a golden delicious apple tree which I replanted last year from a spot that was getting no sun, I decided to plant it up against my house wall and it did well throughout the year,[no fruit though, non expected] The leaves have taken on a dry appearance and although I have fed with blood and bone do not seem to be reviving though no leaves have dropped off.
9 Oct, 2018
Thanks for the response Bamboo, but it was growing against a wall before and was shaded so much it was imperative that I move it, The dry appearance started maybe a couple of months ago and it does not appear to be related to the autumn leaf drop, You are correct I am growing it as an espalier but the roots are away from the concrete foundations, The blood and bone was given springtime, I would be most appreciative for any suggestion and once again thanks very much.
10 Oct, 2018
It may be suffering,or have suffered,from insufficient water - if its less than 18 inches away from the wall, that's what's known as 'rain shadow' meaning not enough rainwater gets to any plant growing that close to a wall,especially a woody plant.
Otherwise, hard to say what the problem is unless you can upload a photo,but just check the backs of leaves, the stems and branches,checking for soft spots (on the wood) insects,white deposits, funny lumps and bumps,that sort of thing, see if you can find anything.
10 Oct, 2018
If the'dry appearance' has only happened in the last month, it might just be autumning, getting ready to drop its leaves. Don't feed it anything else - if you want to give it some fertlizer (though it shouldn't be becessary) do it in spring up to midsummer, and not after midsummer.
Need an image really to say any more about what might be wrong, though your description of planting it 'up against the house' does make me wonder how close to the house you planted it, both in terms of the tree's health and your house foundations - and hopefully, you're growiing it as an espalier if its against the house.
9 Oct, 2018