West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Please could I ask, what would be the best variety of potatoes to put on my allotment?
Unsure whether to put in first earlies?
What's the best thing to prepare the soil for them!
Thinking of growing potatoes, carrots, swede, sprouts, greens, onions, parsnips.
Going to have to learn when to put in etc ....
Our allotment association have a Kings catalogue to order by 31st of October.
Need advice please.
Thank you.
11 Oct, 2018
Container growing spuds is worth considering imo. I always seem unable to get them all out & get unwanted re-growth the next year
11 Oct, 2018
As Stera suggests, best to ask other allotment holders as to the best vegetables and varieties to grow. You will need to consider things like slug damage on potatoes, depth of soil for carrots and parsnips and whether the site has things like club root which will need some attention regarding sprouts and greens. Just bare in mind that if some things don't work out well next year, then there is always another season for success. Good luck!
12 Oct, 2018
Ha ha Darren,these are often known as "volunteers" and if you leave them in they usually crop again. (If you are tidy minded and this upsets your crop rotation of course that's different...)
12 Oct, 2018
Previous question
« What plant is this please ? Do you know if it is indoor out outdoor please ?
Why not put in some earlies and some second earlies? A first early we like is Lady Crystal but why not have a chat with some others on the allotment to see which do well for them? I reckon first earlies are the best value as that's when shop ones are dearer - and they tend to have less flavour anyway..Its always a good place to get advice for your particular plot. Unless the allotment is a big one you might find its hardly worth growing maincrop. Sometimes you can get fairly small bags so you can run your own trial and see which you like best.
Plant them when the soil is just beginning to warm up, probably around March.
Consult the others re carrots as they don't like heavy ground. Always fee free to ask as many questions as you like!
11 Oct, 2018