By Steragram
United Kingdom
Bokashi bran composting
Has anyone tried using the bran in a Dalek compost bin?
Can't see whyit wouldn't work...
12 Oct, 2018
What I was thinking of though wouldn't be any extra work. Instead of using a kitchen bin I was wondering how effective it would be to use a bit directly in the outside ordinary compost bin, in the same was that some people use an accelerator. I wouldn't put meat etc in it, just the usual veg & garden stuff. I have four bins and even the last one is pretty full. The others are quite full but not ready for emptying.. You might have noticed my comment a few days ago saying if I was starting again I would have square wooden ones. But as all four of the ones I have are "Daleks" I am being content with what I have for now!
Daleks aren't really big enough to heat up properly unless you put lots of grass mowings in - and you can't do that in winter anyway.
12 Oct, 2018
I think the reason Daleks don't get very hot is that they restrict the airflow. Composting consumes a lot of oxygen. The hottest compost piles I've seen were just sitting out on the open ground. They were literally smoldering, but I think a 'slow burn' is better for the end result, but takes longer.
12 Oct, 2018
As far as I know, bokashi composting does not work in the same way as traditional composting,it relies on fermentation. Once the stuff in a the small bin is fermented, it then has to be buried in the garden for a while to 'finish off' before its useable as compost. Given that's the case, bokashi bran is unlikely to be helpful in ordinary compost. If you want a good accelerator, get your husband to pee in a bottle in the mornings and use that on the heaps ... its chockful of nitrogen.
12 Oct, 2018
Thanks Bamboo, thats very helpful.
He did it once but its a bit awkward where it is...I've done it too, by means of an intermediate vessel if you get my meaning...Once was probably enough though!
I don't fancy burying half made compost in the garden - the veg plot is surrounded by grass that gets a bit longish and pretty wet in the winter - a big disincentive to go up there in the winter with all the Welsh rain, and everywhere else has plants in.
It was just a passing fancy really, having read a couple of articles about it.
Bath, you're right abut the air flow but its not easy to turn. It does make good compost eventually - the kitchen waste one only gets emptied about once year. We did put a lot of grass cuttings in one of them one year - that was when the grass snake took up residence as it got so nice and warm...
12 Oct, 2018
I'm assuming you've used a microbial compost starter Stera?
As it's raising the temperature that you probably want, how about a leftfield suggestion? Heat some bricks on a low heat in the oven, wrap them in cardboard or newspaper & pop one into each dalek. With a bit of luck the rise in temperature could become self-sustaining after doing it for a while. Though others might know why it wouldn't work...
12 Oct, 2018
I don't use anything usually but kitchen waste and the odd dollop of grass cuttings and an occasional shovel of soil, so I'm not expecting does rot eventually.One of the garden bins had a large ants nest in it this year - probably because much too dry - but I left it alone and they have created a very fine tilth in the bin, albeit rather full of ants eggs, lol... And while they are in the bin they aren't excavating the paving blocks on the path...But its a big disincentive to emptying the bin...
That's an ingenious suggestion Darren - definitely thinking outside the box!
13 Oct, 2018
The ants are just doing their job. They common garden ants do very little, if any, actual damage to living plants. But they prey on the insects that do.
13 Oct, 2018
They damage the paving block joints though, and once made a nest under the rosemary which killed it off, but that's life. There are huge numbers of them round here., which I discovered is why we have so many primroses self seeding all round the garden- they spread the seeds around! I just don't relish emptying the bin because they will run everywhere including on my skin - and they bite. Not seriously but nevertheless... but I will empty it eventually! (with my wellies on)
13 Oct, 2018
I should have added an addendum...*unless disturbed or threatened. They will defend the nest. I just meant in general. I don't ever see them unless I get down on the ground and look for them. I can see why they'd like your compost pile - plenty of food, warmth & places to hide & feel safe from predators. They do play an important role in decomposition.
13 Oct, 2018
I've read that ants hate ground cinnamon although diatomaceous earth seems to be the proven choice. You can buy it on the web for about £8 for 350g. It's organic & pet safe
13 Oct, 2018
Also good on apple pie...
14 Oct, 2018
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From what I read, this idea isn't very compelling. It seems like a lot of extra work and needless expense. Composting is a natural biological process; it's going to happen anyway. I never had issue with rodents or foul odor. Rats don't want rotting food. They go for the good stuff.
12 Oct, 2018