hi all. A begonia question, can u take cuttings from the annual begonia flowers, ( small type) if yes how and when.
23 Oct, 2018
Hi, I think you have Begonia semperflorens, which in't actually an annual, it's an evergreen perennial, but usually used as a summer bedding plant, you can pot them up and put them somewhere that the temperature stays somewhere between 50 and 59 deg f, you should be able to divide them in spring, or take basal cuttings, which will root quite easily using the method described above, the name is derived from the Latin, semper, meaning always, and florens, meaning flowering, just don't keep them too warm, or they will get weak and leggy, Derek.
23 Oct, 2018
I've never tried but I suspect its a bit late now. but cut some stems and stand them in a glass of water and see if they grow roots. if you can remove any flower buds. if they produce roots pot them up but you must keep them frost free as the frost will kill them. let is know if it works. it will work with bizzie lizzies that are then kept as houseplants.
23 Oct, 2018