The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Monkey balls

United States

When is a good time to harvest the seed balls from the monkey vine? I have lots of them, but if I wait too long, the squirrels are apt to steal them.



Is the monkey vine a morning glory [Ipomoea nil]. if it is have a look at the seed pods, if they have a slightly dry papery surface or better still showing a split in the outer skin of the pod then they are ready to harvest.
mine tend to go a beige colour when ready. if they are green then they are not ready.

welcome to GoY too :o)

31 Oct, 2018


Not sure what plant you mean when you say monkey vine - there's Monkey rope vine (Parsonsia straminea), or a monkey brush vine (Combretum rotundifolium), or monkey ladder vine (Entada gigas), or monkey ball vine (Dioscorea). Which one do you mean?

31 Oct, 2018


Are they hairy or wrinkled & purplish like Air Potatoes?

31 Oct, 2018

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