By Cecelia
United Kingdom
Hello again, I am thinking of planting a Bamboo hedge but need one which is not invasive and quite narrow. I would like one which lets light through to the rest of the garden and has leaves from the ground up. Can anyone advise on a good one for my garden. Thanks Cecelia
22 Dec, 2018
You have to get the "clumping bamboo". There are various species in this category. Then you just plant the clumps with enough space between for the desired affect. You may have to do some thinning periodically.
23 Dec, 2018
As Bamboo says Fargesia varieties are the safest. But my personal opinion would be to avoid using bamboo as a hedge. Most of the vigorous species are terribly invasive and although people want them to create a thin, tall hedge with the gentle breeze waiving the stems to and throw, in reality they need regular attention and drop their leaves constantly and make the garden very untidy.
23 Dec, 2018
As Bamboo and Bathgate say, clumping species are the ones you should look for, not the running species. That said, you probably should allow for a 1 1/2 to 2 meter wide clump base with the larger clumping species.
One other caveat: People often plant bamboos while under the impression that they are fast growing, but they are actually slow growing for the first few years. They need to store energy in their roots to support the fabled "foot a day" shoot growth.
24 Dec, 2018
I actually agree with Jimmy. Bamboo is a gangly looking thing and high maintenance. I would banish it from the garden altogether, except if you were raising Panda bears. It hogs a lot of space and needs a lot of work. There are better choices for a hedge. One in particular is 'Green Spire Euonymus'. It's an upright, narrow, shrub with rich evergreen foliage and vertical branching. It's well behaved, stays exactly where you plant it, great for tight spaces and low maintenance.
25 Dec, 2018
Thank you all for such good advice. I will do some reading and research before purchasing any plants. I need about 100 foot of hedge to help hide an a small working area next door. I could do with something quite tall but easy management.
26 Dec, 2018
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Fargesia varieties are safest - they form clumps and don't run out of control in the UK. There's now several varieties available which reach different heights - the link to the article below is worth reading...
22 Dec, 2018