United Kingdom
I bought allium bulbs on offer from T&M. They've just arrived. I am a garden novice, so I did a search and see that alliums should be planted in autumn. Shall I just get them in asap, or should I hang on to them until autumn. If so, how should I keep them, so as not to spoil them?
thanks for reading!
9 Jan, 2019
Definitely get them planted as soon as possible. They should grow, but be just a little later and possibly smaller than ones planted earlier.
What varieties are they?
9 Jan, 2019
They might benefit from going into large pots/tubs for the first year if you can. Then you can move them to a garden spot in the Autumn
10 Jan, 2019
I usually start mine off in pots. if its the larger type like purple sensation I put one in a 1/2litre pot. if its the smaller sphaeocephalon then I'd put 5 in a litre pot. with many of these alliums they send up 2, occasionally 3 leaves which often start to look tatty and die back just as the flower bud starts emerging. this is normal.
I often pick them up at this time of year and get them in pots now. So plant now and enjoy the summer.
10 Jan, 2019
I agree, just plant them sooner than later. The longer you wait, the less likely they would grow at all.
10 Jan, 2019
I would plant them now. If you keep them until the autumn they will shrivel up and be no good at all.
9 Jan, 2019