By Kurlakid
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Burnt Grass - Weed and Feed Fertilizer
My front lawn was very thin with few bald patches and lots of weeds, so earlier in spring I used evergreen lawn feeder which thickens the grass and also says that you have to maw less.
This indeed thicken the grass but my grass was slightly uneven in growth and the bald patches remained bald. I guess this is because I spreaded the feed by hand rather than spreader because the damn spreader I bought from Homebase did not work very well.
Now to fix the uneven growth and bald patches, couple of weeks ago, I nicely raked it, watered it, then spreaded lawn dressing (with hand) and watered it.
Then last week I got weed and feed fertilizer and some grass seeds from Homebase.
I spreaded the fertilizer and watered it well for 2 days. Then I spreaded grass seeds in thin and bald area and watered well.
But it seems that the fertilizer has caused the grass to burn and it has become brown-black in spots.
I did a mistake of spreading fertilizer granules by hand not knowing that it can burn the grass. Damn spreader. If it had worked properly I would have used it surely.
Anyways, not what can I do to get a green grass back?
Do I wait to see if the grass revives just by watering?
Will the new seeds I have spreaded, survive the fertilizer effect?
Next time I will only use soluble fertilizers if at all.
2 Sep, 2010
It takes some practice to spread fertilizer evenly by hand, and weed and feed is also particularly sensitive to "clumps and dribbles", because of the weed killer component. The weed killer also makes it a bad idea when starting new grass. I would also be checking those bald patches to see why they are bald.
2 Sep, 2010
Sam, don't put fertiliser down and sow seeds into it, fertilise at least two weeks beforehand, fertiliser not feed and weed. With the bald patches, rake off any fertiliser and grass seed, lightly fork over the patches getting a fine tilth in the soil. Leave for 3 or 4 days, then sow again, lightly water in. Do not use feed and weed again until next year. More good can be done by aeriating the whole lawn in October when free of frost.
2 Sep, 2010
thanks for the replies.
2 Sep, 2010
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Hi sam welcome to GoY
you may be over doing the weed/feed, the fert will be burning the young grass seedling as they start to grow, keep well water in dry condions and the grass should come back if knot re seed the bald bit and wait and keep watered
The spread works better with prilled fertilizer than granules
I spread my fert by hand but it has to be even
2 Sep, 2010