By Treetop
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
What's happening to our weather? This Escallonia shouldn't start flowering till August.

16 Jan, 2019
I love a good long outdrawn answer to a question LOL. According to the weatherman we've got severe frost for the next few days. That should put a stop to it flowering.
16 Jan, 2019
What do you expect ? Its Winter
16 Jan, 2019
Well, at least a cold snap willl stop weeds germinating - they've been germinating all winter so far. I saw a blossom tree out the other day, one that should flower in mid/late March...
Reminds me of last winter - a mild January followed by that beast from the east thing, hoping that won't happen this year, so a bit of cold now might save us from that scenario!
16 Jan, 2019
Growingold, what's that got to do with my original question. I know it's bloody Winter that's why I asked the question in the first place.
16 Jan, 2019
Having said that about Climate change, over the last 60 odd years that I can remember we have had some very peculiar winters. I was born in the middle of one of wettest winters on record and survived the record breaking cold one which followed. My sister in law was born in January and did not get taken out of the house until June as the only way out was through an upstairs window. I can remember moving house in January one year and the sea being frozen until April. But then I can remember working outside here in January in shirt sleeves because of the warmth. See a lot of odd weather and plant growing.
16 Jan, 2019
Very strange, but not unheard of.
16 Jan, 2019
Owdboggy's right, I can remember 2 inches of solid ice on the ground January 2010 but also wearing a t-shirt at the seaside in December, it's just natural yearly variations.
Bit worried that my Winter Aconites, etc. are a no-show so far though...
16 Jan, 2019
The climate/weather changes continuously. Our Earth is very dynamic some changes are more subtle, others more dramatic, but rarely holds steady for long.
16 Jan, 2019
Darren8; you're right, enormous variability in UK seasonal weather - I remember a year when it was colder on 4th June than it had been on the previous Christmas Day. But all that sort of thing is just weather; climate change is not the same as weather,though it is having an effect on it now. Basically, the planet's warmed by just under two degrees in the last 50 years - don't sound like much, does it, but it causes random and much more extreme weather events,whether that's heat, cold, wet, drought or wind - right round the world. I'm just grateful we don't live anywhere that usually experiences hurricanes, tornadoes, monsoon and the like, because they'll be more extreme and possibly more often too... our problem is periodic and more serious flooding,of course. And we sure as hell get a lot more wind than we once did...
16 Jan, 2019
I've got a nicer answer - it just thought you needed cheering up...
16 Jan, 2019
well we had snow flurries yesterday and today is cold and bright. greenhouse says -3 last night. So proper winter at the moment. probably wont last for long though.
18 Jan, 2019
Same here Eileen snowy when I woke up this morning. More snow predicted for this weekend. Climate change? LOL! Not for me. apparently.
18 Jan, 2019
The sea temperatures around the Azores are 1 or 2 degrees above average. They are at 17-18C, so it is slightly warmer than normal.
18 Jan, 2019
The big question is "What is Average?" Remember "Global Warming" is now called "Climate Change" because the data just doesn't support "Global Warming". Remember the "Global Warming" conference at Copenhagen was hit by record cold & snow. You can't make this up.
It's all politically driven. I take it with a grain of salt.
18 Jan, 2019
It is now referred to as climate change because its less confusing for some folks, but the fact is, the globe has warmed by just under 2 degrees. But the term 'global warming' means people make the mistake of thinking they'll have warmer weather year round, never have snow or ice or lots of rain again or something, when in fact, global warming just creates more extreme weather, whatever that weather happens to be. So more snow, more rain, more wind, more heat, more drought and so on, depending which part of the world...
19 Jan, 2019
You can document all the storms to hit the East Coast of the US with no notable change in frequency or severity. "Climate Change" is a term that can be applied to anytime in history. What else is it going to do?
19 Jan, 2019
Oh dear...
19 Jan, 2019
Hi, I think global warming, or climate change,whatever you want to call it, is just part of a natural cycle of events, over millions of years, it has happened 7 times in the past, that we know of, it's just that we weren't around for the first 7 of them, so we couldn't be taxed for it, like we are now, Derek.
20 Jan, 2019
I agree, and certain oligopolies are contorting this argument to secure government funding for 'wind farming' and 'solar energy' and to impose a 'carbon tax' on coal mining, fossil fuel and to anybody who dares to drive a car. How dare you put gasoline in your car! You shall pay! It has nothing to do with climate, it's all about money money money - getting as much of yours as possible.
20 Jan, 2019
DI'd rather be taxed for wind or solar energy, as well as research for electric vehicles and sources of 'clean energy' and so on anyway though, Derek - apart from and separate to the climate change question, I'm thoroughly fed up of wheezing and getting air pollution warnings on my phone regularly and having to stay indoors till it passes. Its this bad now - if I go out without my inhaler, there's always a stranger who can lend me their's if I'm desperate, cos so many of us need the damn things that there's bound to be someone with one... Many schools now keep a couple of emergency inhalers for children who've forgotten theirs. As for fossil fuels and oil, well absolutely no thanks to that too... it all contributes to pollution that directly affects the health of human beings... and other life forms. No wonder half of us will now get cancer... I doubt it'll be long till that's three quarters of us.... unless, of course, the more dramatic and severe effects of climate change arrive earlier than expected and wipe most of us off the face of the planet first! Always gotta look on the bright side😄
20 Jan, 2019
Hi Bamboo, yes I know that most of London has poor air quality, and I agree we need to invest in cleaner energy, the point I was making, was that it's all part of a cycle, and no matter how much tax we pay, it isn't going to make a scrap of difference to global warming, we just have to try and clean up our air as much as we can, for the benefit of those people who have to live in a highly polluted environment, I'm quite lucky to live on the pennines, away from the heavy pollution of our cities, Derek.
20 Jan, 2019
I agree we have to keep the environment clean and I believe we are, especially New York. You just don't see the billowing smoke stacks that once were, and cars run much cleaner now, trains are electric, buses run on compressed air and the recycle program and planting more trees. We are definitely making progress. I can't speak for the UK, but we have very stringent policies. 'Climate Change' & your health problems are separate issues.
21 Jan, 2019
Right Bath....when the auto came along it’s exhaust must have smelled like sweet perfume to the NYC residents who walked out the door on a hot summer day to the smell of horse manure on the city streets. Every advance has a price to pay until a way is found to eliminate it.
21 Jan, 2019
Yeh, that's right. If that wasn't bad enough, check out those old photos of Grand Central Station during rush hour with the coal burning steam locomotives. wow!
BTW Loosestrife2 - Have you seen the Super Blood Moon last night. It was remarkable. The Lunar Eclipse began around 10:30 last night, over by 12:30am. It was a perfectly clear night (cold as heck) and it was straight up above my head. I tried to get some pictures, but they didn't come out at all.
21 Jan, 2019
Nope and the reason was not that it was cold out, the reason was that I was out cold in bed recovering from three of my younger grandchildren visiting me yesterday🥊
21 Jan, 2019
OH, sorry about that.
21 Jan, 2019
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Climate change!
16 Jan, 2019