By Kittens
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi can anyone tell me what use we can make of these sunflowers now they have gone to seed. could we cook them or eat them in muesli etc, thanks

2 Sep, 2010
The seed eating birds will love to eat the heads - and you will find seedling sunflowers all over your garden next year.
2 Sep, 2010
I leave my sunflower heads to turn really black and them stick them on the bird table :)
3 Sep, 2010
Thanks for the ideas! :)
3 Sep, 2010
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dried sunflower seed is an excellent scource of Vitamin E. I pop a handful in with the bread mix when baking fresh. Also hang the flower heads somewhere cool & dry then put them out in the winter for the birds.
2 Sep, 2010