By Johnjoe
I would like advise for the following.
I want to swap sections in my bedding plot.
I removed the strawberries to the potatoe section and I want to plant the potatoes in the strawberry section.
Will I have a problem in swapping.
your advice would be much appreciated.

13 Feb, 2019
No there shouldn't be a problem with moving them around. they will take some different micronutrients. Do you pot up your strawberry runners? I do and this saves having to buy new plants every year. though as Jimmy says check them for their general health.
13 Feb, 2019
Thank you Jimmythorne, & Seaburngirl
I was over at my plot this morning and met a fellow gardener. During our garden talk as one does when meeting a fellow gardener.
I mention that I had move my strawberries to where I grew potatoes last season and I was going to grow potatoes where the strawberries were growing for the last 3 seasons.
She said that I should not grow potatoes in the same place as the strawberries were growing. I never heard of that before. Now it has put a doubt in my mind. That is why I am asking before I go planting the seed potatoes in March if it is ok to carry on.
13 Feb, 2019
They are not in the same genus so they should not have the same pathogen problems. I cannot see any reason why potatoes and strawberries cannot be grown one after the other.
They do both get Verticillum wilt though, but if neither have any signs of it then you can go ahead.
13 Feb, 2019
Thank you Owdboggy.
13 Feb, 2019
Agree, I don't see a problem at all. Potatoes are heavy feeders so add some extra fertilizer in for the strawberries before you plant them.
13 Feb, 2019
Thank you Bathgate
17 Feb, 2019
I don't see any problem. When strawberries are grown for a long time in the same spot, you can wind up with soil-born viruses. Strawberries are now grown in bags of compost on staging commercially as they could not keep growing the plants in the same spot in the ground continuously and they are also easier to pick and irrigate. But it might be a good idea to buy in some new virus-free strawberry plants eventually.
13 Feb, 2019