By Love3garden
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Hi anyone any ideas what this weed is growing in my garden and how I can get rid of it?

16 Feb, 2019
Though having said that, those leaves also look a bit like some of the cyclamen leaves which we have.
16 Feb, 2019
If it is lesser celandine (leaves look a bit big on the pic but its hard to tell) do not let it set seed. Its the most prolific self seeder in our garden at least. When you dig it up you'll find rather ugly little clusters of what look like tiny bulbils. Any left behind will grow again...
If its cyclamen it will have pink flowers and it won't spread except nicely. A quick look at the roots will show you the difference as cyclamen have one corm rather than a bunch of little bulblets.
16 Feb, 2019
Hi, thanks for the responses guys. I have added another pic to show how they have spread into my beds. The ones I pulled from the beds don’t seem to have bulblets or corms, just a single long white root. I will try and dig up the ones one the grass to see what’s underneath.
17 Feb, 2019
yes this does look like lesser celandine and the first year ones don't have the bulbil until later in the year. Dig up as much as you can if you don't want to use chemicals. Or as suggested a weedkiller such as roundup will do the trick.
it has a pretty yellow flower and I usually have small clumps in the hedge bottoms but I try to keep it out of the main beds.
it has been renamed Ranunculus ficaria in the recent DNA shake up. I do wish they'd stop doing that but science marches on :o)
17 Feb, 2019
Thank you for identifying this for me guys, you’ve all been a great help. I shall dig these up as I grow organically so don’t want to use any chemicals in my garden.
17 Feb, 2019
Wrong way round SBg. It has changed from Ranunculus to Ficaria.
I have a small collection of different forms, white, orange, green and double ones.
17 Feb, 2019
I hadn't noticed that, Owdboggy. Ranuculus ficaria to Ficaria verna - Taxonomists, I could do without them!!!!!
17 Feb, 2019
I must have updated my plant files when the information was first mentioned Owd. That's not like me to be so efficient. :o) wonder if I've reclassified my asters yet.
17 Feb, 2019
Lesser celandine, Ficaria verna. Will flower and disappear in a few weeks time. Otherwise hard to remove as it grows from tiny little bulbils which fall off the mother plant by the hundred. Roundup if you do not mind weedkiller. Personally I like them.
16 Feb, 2019