By Kate123
East Yorkshire ,
United Kingdom
Hello everyone,
Just adding a picture of one of the alliums which actually did bloom. Extreme close up.

25 Feb, 2019
Good morning Darren, just to relay. I have added this photo as my previous question in regards to alliums, didn’t have a photo attached...
When posing a question, you are given the option to add a photo in regards to your query. I attached it afterwards...
Also, one of the members had mentioned there was no photo on initial question for them to identify, etc....
26 Feb, 2019
One of the big ones which in Britain lose their leaves before or just as they flower. Start feeding as I said, as soon as the leaves first appear. They are winter growers here so that will often be in December.
26 Feb, 2019
Thank you Owdboggy, I appreciate your feedback.
26 Feb, 2019
Well Kate at least one of those to flower is a beauty. I just know that the next lot will wonderful.
26 Feb, 2019
Thank you Ginellie! I have to say the few that do flower are really lovely..fingers crossed. :)
27 Feb, 2019
Did you know the flower heads can be dried off and kept for decoration! You can spray them gold to give a hint of a twink e too.
27 Feb, 2019
Nice idea! If I get some nice blooms this year, I will definitely give it a try!
27 Feb, 2019
Previous question
Not being a moaner but you can post photos in photos.
Lots of people love the visual stuff & will give likes
25 Feb, 2019