By Thrupennybit
United Kingdom
Can any one suggest a tall but slim shrub not growing wide to use as a braker for wind please.
23 Apr, 2019
Thank you Paul I shall take a look.
23 Apr, 2019
some of the slimmer yews described as fastigate will also do the trick.
23 Apr, 2019
A useful plant for this situation would be a Bamboo, but make sure it’s a clumper and not one that runs, I have these in my garden on one of my boundaries, they serve as a wind break, look good all year, and they rustle in a gentle breeze, you can have these in large containers too, Aurea and Nigra are what I have, every few years I divide them to keep them in proportion.
23 Apr, 2019
Thank you Seaburngirl I shall take a look.
24 Apr, 2019
Thank you Julien I have a black Bamboo in a pot but would nt be big enough. I could nt put it in the ground as I am unable to dig to think to keep it under control.
24 Apr, 2019
I would suggest sky rocket juniper, slender & tall and nice bluish foliage.
23 Apr, 2019