United Kingdom
how do I get my bougainvillea to flower? It's about 5 years old, flowered well for 2 years then I moved to Wales and first put it out during the summer and now have it indoors, no matter what I do it won't flower although it grows lots of green leaves! Tried cutting it down and moving it to more light less light, no change. Help!
4 Sep, 2010
Previous question
« why hasnt my jasmin flowered this year.lots of foilage but no flower
Bougies need a minimum of 6 hours of direct sun to bloom, so I would check that first. I would also give it a feeding or two with tomato food, to make sure it doesn't lack phosphate. Cutting it down will reduce the bloom, since the buds form on the growing tips. Most kinds also bloom better if they are under slight drought stress, so I would make sure that the drainage is excellent, the watering frequency isn't too much, and the saucer isn't full. Hard to tell what else it might want.
4 Sep, 2010