By Mark61
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
This is for the male gardeners out there.I picked some roses out of our garden today just to show how much i appreciate and love my wife.And they were free lol.:))))

4 Sep, 2010
thank you Izzy yes julie loved them :)
4 Sep, 2010
Who said romance is dead - long live romance.
4 Sep, 2010
wow i dont know much about flowers butr they look flawless and big . i bet you could show them . there realy nice .
5 Sep, 2010
i forget the last time my old man did this for me . yet i have loads of roses in my garden.
Yet he has the cheek to say im not buying any from the shops bcos of the ones in the garden.
He even hates me picking flowers out of the garden.
5 Sep, 2010
its got to be said and im sorry about this hijuju i think flowers look best on the plant they came from realy thow ive baught a few bunches . its a man thing maybe lol .
5 Sep, 2010
thank you all :)))))
5 Sep, 2010
yea but us ladies (cough cough)lol like to be given flowers now and again whether they be out of the garden or bought from a shop.
7 Sep, 2010
yes your apserlutley right but id rather buy a plant with flowers on it myself lol .
7 Sep, 2010
i work hard play harder, and would not be able to do it without my wife iv no worries at home, work or garden then i say hi to her lol god bless the wife. women at home looking after us :)))))))))
7 Sep, 2010
How lovely! What a nice man! I hope she appreciates them...and YOU, Mark .
4 Sep, 2010