By Steragram
United Kingdom
Viburnum opulus
I bought one of these some years ago having been told that it was a variety that would grow to five feet. (sorry lost the label...)Well it has - and the rest! Its over 8 feet now and growing enthusiastically.I wanted it for the berries but although it flowers well I get only about half a dozen berries every year. Its my second attempt as I hadn't realised the snowball one was infertile (that's a picture at the moment and heading off up - so I really only need one tall one.) Any tips to get it to berry? Its still in bud at the moment.If not its for the chop this winter.
17 May, 2019
I'm afraid the ultimate height of V. opulus is around 15 feet... and berries on Viburnum generally can be variable in quantity, so the recommendation is to plant 2 or 3 for berries. Usually, though, someone else might be growing it, so its not always necessary to plant more than one.... but sounds like it is in your case, unfortunately!
17 May, 2019
Thanks both of you. I was afraid it really needed a pollinator. I did look it up and found it was supposed to be self fertile but if its just at the end of the season its rather too late. Oh dear, another job for David. And there's a lovely Bleeding Heart underneath it too (sorry made no attempt to remember its new name, it will always e Dicentra to me...)
Never mind I'll maybe get a small Crab instead.
17 May, 2019
another one near by would help to pollinate it. I suspect that it only gets to produce the berries at the end of flowering when it becomes self fertile.
Not really the answer you were looking for I guess but they are lovely shrubs.
17 May, 2019