By Cher
United Kingdom
I have a lovely garden and enjoy sitting out. Unfortunately I have new noisy neighbours with 4 unruly children. They have a trampolinreright by my garden fence and can look into my garden when they bounce up and down. I am looking for something to plant along the fence to make an additional screen against noise and prying eyes. I thougt about leylandi conifers but have been put off after reading about the problems they can cause. I have thought about black bamboo and whilst they are lovely I would need many to screen the 8ft that I need and would be expensive. Any ideas please?
4 Sep, 2010
well as it goes cher thow your fence hight bye law cant generaly be above 6feet tall normaly but you can howerver have trellis on top of the fence as high as you like as long as its safe . its a little loop hole .then you can grow a quick growing climber like a large leaved evergreen ivy or virginia creeper,ornimently crape vine or all of them spread out . youd get quick privacy and a lovley blaze of colour in the autumn .
5 Sep, 2010
Previous question
How about a eucalyptus tree. It will be very quick growing and is evergreen (grey). You could use Ligustrum ovalifolium Aureum. Read all about it at this link. It is golden Privet and will grow at the rate of 1-2' a year to a height of 10'. You can buy quite big plants and have them as small standard trees which will have lovely scented flowers in July. Welcome to GOY.
4 Sep, 2010