By Slimdil
United Kingdom
Identification please. Have taken a few cuttings of this from a friend’s garden. Neither of us know it’s name - but it is so pretty. Thanks in advance.

5 Jun, 2019
Yes, Cistus pulverulentus. A lovely shrub.
5 Jun, 2019
Thanks a lot - I’ve told the owner!
5 Jun, 2019
I think it is Cistus purpureus. It grows in to a lovely shrub up to 1m high by 1m spread.
5 Jun, 2019
Quite right Sheila. I was incorrect. It is purpureus.
6 Jun, 2019
I grow this one and another pale pink one Cistus albidus. These are both shrubs up to 1m x 1m. I lost Cistus ladanifer. It was a bit bigger but it died. It had white flowers with a dark red blotch.
8 Jun, 2019
Rock rose (Cistus)
5 Jun, 2019