By Chega
United Kingdom
We have some mature Red Cordylines growing in pots, although they are said to be at risk in severe winters they survived the "beast from the east" a while back. But a couple devoloped plantlets/suckers from soil level I would quite like to remove them to repot as new plants How do I do this?
2 Jul, 2019
Thanks wil try that would you use ordinary multi purpose compost? Can't remember what the mother plant compost was whether it was multi or a jonn innes or something
4 Jul, 2019
if in doubt mix JI with multipurpose in a 50:50 mix. that's what I tend to do anyway as it discourages vine weevil.
4 Jul, 2019
Thanks will do that
7 Aug, 2019
Interesting about the vine weezel, is it because the coarser texture stops the parentent laying eggs?
7 Aug, 2019
carefully scrape the soil away to expose where they join the main stem. using a sharp knife cut vertically down taking the 'pup' with some of its own roots. then pot up in a similar soil/compost. water well and then keep barely moist until established.
2 Jul, 2019