By Paulallen
United Kingdom
i want to paint my garden fence a bright colour. it's a hand built fence made from planks, posts and batons. how shoudl i prepare and paint it. should i use a specific paint? 'fence paint's are rather limited in colour - thanks
5 Sep, 2010
Scroll to the bottom for fencing ideas under F Paulallen. Personally I love that bright blue, but not all over. We have green behind the Camellias to make the fence disapear. If you want a hand decorated fence you might find inspiration under F.
6 Sep, 2010
is it going to be a back-drop for plants/climbers etc or play area for youngsters ? The situation you have in mind can help determine the colour of your fence. The 'Dark Ash' fence preservative colour might sound grim, untill you plant golden bamboo in front, nice contrast all year round. Light blue always good for a sunnier effect & white flowering plants look superb against it but your talking 'paint' as opposed to wood preservative. Size of fence, south or north facing will also be a factor as to what colour. Like the plants we grow everyone has different taste. What I have done in the past is thin down gloss paint by 50% with white spirit to get a specific colour, also easier to brush or roller it onto the wood. We've had bumble bee's & rainbows on our fences when the kids were young, later very red oriental themed fence colours etc. Internet can help with photo ideas also. Good luck.
5 Sep, 2010