By Joanairey
United Kingdom
Hydrangeas from seed! Hi All!!
Has anyone ever planted hydrangeas from seed? I recently bought five different varieties online and they came with no instructions. I contacted the seller as I needed to know what way up to plant them and he said it didn't matter as they would right themselves. I then asked how long it would take them to germinate and he said three months or so. I planted them on 26 June. I cannot find any info about how to care for these seeds. Any ideas would be most welcome.
16 Jul, 2019
the link for the RHS gives advice on seed sowing. do you know which plants you have purchased seed for. the species will come true but if its seed from a named variety then they may not.
usually hydrangeas produce their seed in the autumn so the seed you have just bought is last years. it may not be viable sadly. but generally put the seed in a soil based compost like john innes no 1. bury the seed approximately the same depth as the seed is tall/wide. cover with grit and leave outside. try to make sure it never dries out. They usually need some winter chilling to help the seed break dormancy.
16 Jul, 2019
Thanks both of you. I am not entirely confident that these seeds will germinate but sometimes you have to take risks in the garden!
19 Jul, 2019
I would start the seeds indoors near a window out of direct sun. Keep temperature & moisture consistent. You'll likely have to nurture them indoors until next spring when they can be acclimated to your garden. Good luck!
16 Jul, 2019