By Debsalison
United Kingdom
Hi I normally only use tomatoes plant food for my bedding plants but whilst ordering plants from haycroft in order to get free p&p I ordered liquid “super duper ", liquid food, I have lost a few plant in the garden as well as some in pots so assume imust of been too heavy handed. Typical of me I now looked at the label no wonder!! Can I do anything to reverse the damage?
16 Jul, 2019
Did you check the use by date?
16 Jul, 2019
I agree with SBG. Just flush the area with loads of water & just give it time to recover. I can tell you, the best fertilizer I ever used for my tomatoes is Fish Emulsion. I dilute only a couple cap fulls to a 5 gallon bucket of water. It's super concentrate. My tomatoes plants love it. They are all loaded with perfectly forming fruit. No blight or blossom end rot & vigorous growth.
16 Jul, 2019
Flush with loads of water with a drip of washing up liquid
16 Jul, 2019
It was over a week ago in fact its only that they have started to look unwell and one clematis that is in the ground has died I realise my mistake. Can't believe I made this mistake. Thanks for your reply's
16 Jul, 2019
Yep, I had to learn to read the label first the hard way, myself. Like they say ample watering is the only way to remove the excess. If you follow Darren's suggestion, it will help, but be really stingy with the soap: it's too easy to use too much.
17 Jul, 2019
a week on is a bit late but plenty of water to flush the surrounding soil. careful with the detergent as it will irritate/harm many of the soil fauna.
17 Jul, 2019
when did you last feed them? if yesterday then flush the soil/compost with plenty of water to wash the excess away. if more than a few days ago then keep them well watered and don't add any more feed for at least 6 weeks.
16 Jul, 2019