By Joanairey
United Kingdom
A garlic question!
Hi All. Has anyone tried to grow garlic all the year round in the UK?
I planted some in the Autumn as usual and it has now been successfully harvested. Yum.
For the first time I planted some in the Spring and it is still growing.
Is it possible to grow it at other times of the year????
I would like to develop my garlic growing maybe to different types as well.
Any advice would be gratefully received as per normal!
21 Jul, 2019
Some heirloom varieties should work year round in the southwestern UK. They would probably be happiest with gritty soil and a south exposure, though!
22 Jul, 2019
If you are going to give it a go, I would suggest you plant some every month. It might stall in the winter, but in no time you will be able to write a blog on what you have found. I did plant some from the store this spring that had started to sprout, and it is getting close to ready. I did it in a large planter instead of the ground.
22 Jul, 2019
unless you want lots of 'wild garlic' I would avoid it. it is a thorough nuisance in many gardens and if you are after culinary garlic it doesn't do the job. it is nice in salads & salsa when young etc but not otherwise in my opinion.
23 Jul, 2019
Seaburn is right it's not a particularly good option
23 Jul, 2019
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In the right spot you could grow a patch of wild garlic. Garlic chives are easy from seed on a windowsill or for a stronger flavour plant cloves & snip the green shoots
21 Jul, 2019