By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
Plant ID please
A friend has given me a cutting of this shrub. Please can anyone identify it?

26 Jul, 2019
yes I agree, common names are Himalayan honeysuckle or pheasant berry.
a nice shrub and easy to keep in check with good pruning if it out fills its space.
27 Jul, 2019
I've never understood the name pheasant berry. the pheasants in my garden ignore it but the blackbirds go mad for it. They stand under it, point their beaks vertically and do a standing jump for the lowest fruit.
I assume it is what natures with food does that means I get many plants growing all round the garden.
27 Jul, 2019
I suspect it is the native pheasants to where the plants originated from that gave it it's common name, rather than our 'British' pheasant which is a naturalised alien.
27 Jul, 2019
Many thanks everyone.
27 Jul, 2019
The botanical name is leycesteria formosa
26 Jul, 2019