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Hampshire, United Kingdom

Identify this pear?

I thought it was Doyenne Du Comice, but the more it ripens the more I get doubtful.
It a distinctly redskin, DDC pictures I've seen show greenish /yellow skins
It was sold to me, Lidl, as DDC, but this is the first year it has fruited, bought 2012 so a bit late to return it

Only curious, after all this waiting I'll love it whatever it's name



Could be Red Anjou?

28 Jul, 2019


I think Darren is correct - Red Anjou.

28 Jul, 2019


Thanks, had a look and seems very likely to me.

Although not what I thought I bought it seems a good substitute from this description I found

"is so sweet and juicy, you’ll want to keep a napkin handy."

That now makes two fruit trees in my garden that were mis labelled by supplier
Apple that is not a Golden Delicious, and now pear not a DDC

Very Forrest Gump garden "like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get."
Maybe I should change my user name?

29 Jul, 2019


Absolutely pointless piece of internet information that stuck in my mind perhaps just because it's so inane. Red Anjou is the lowest calorie pear!
So lightly poaching in Madeira & smothering in chocolate sauce & ice cream may be the way to go...

29 Jul, 2019

How do I say thanks?

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