United Kingdom
I cut back an old 15ft Buddleia (Black Knight?) last year and it has produced loads more flowers this year. However it has now produced not only the purple flowers I expected, but white ones as well. Why is this? I do not mind in the slightest; I just want to know why. Thank you.
6 Sep, 2010
Sounds as though you've got the makings of a mythical tale, with Black and White Knights competing for space. Or is it just chess? Phil J
6 Sep, 2010
Just a mention, buddleia is supposed to be cut back to one foot every spring or that's what I read.
8 Sep, 2010
Previous question
Hmm, sounds like genetic confusion! Both Black Knight and the white flowered forms of B. davidii have been produced by plant breeders, they do not occur naturally, and sometimes the genetic information gets a bit mixed up. I'm interested as to whether the white flowers are present on their own stems, or whether both white and purple flowers are being produced on the same stems.
6 Sep, 2010