United Kingdom
I am having a new lawn laid and wanted part of it to have wild flowers sown in to help the wildlife put seem unable to find seeds that you can just sown in with your grass seed. I am not a very good gardener so growing them and then planting them out would be a nightmare for me
6 Sep, 2010
As above, wildflowers planted as plug plants will compete with the grass, whereas seeds will often fail to germinate or be weak if they do. One useful wildflower is Yellow rattle, which is parasitic on the grass, reducing the vigour of it, allowing other plants to compete. Really, a true wildflower meadow needs to be started from bare earth, ideally with the topsoil removed,so that the fertility is reduced to start with. However, to dabble a bit is fun, so try some plug plants (If I'm allowed to suggest a particular company, then MAS SEEDS, try ordering now for plants delivered in spring for planting then). Phil J
6 Sep, 2010
Agree with above comments and would suggest you dedicate an area for wild flowers rather than try to intersperse with a new lawn.Youre defeating the purpose of a new lawn by introducing wildflowers into it .. you ll either have a lawn that requires regular mowing or wildflowers that need leaving.
6 Sep, 2010
why not have a wild flower border
7 Sep, 2010
Previous question
It's not as easy as that, I'm afraid, Linda. The advice on establishing wild flower meadows is to buy plug plants, not seeds. The main reason is that the seeds available can't compete with the grass, and get swamped before they get established. You can also decide on which wild flowers you want, and in what proportions.
I hope that helps a bit - welcome to GOY and good luck with your project.
6 Sep, 2010