By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
An id please.
One of our elderly motor bikers brought this to our lunch together to ask me if I knew what it was. I don't think I do.
He says it grows to about 4 ft then it loses its leaves in autumn. he brings into the unheated greenhouse for the winter. He doesn't think it flowers or produces fruit.
the hairs are soft.

18 Oct, 2019
I tried to nip the stem last night to help it take up water and it is hard/woody almost.
Begonia was also a consideration but the edges are 'toothed'.
I wondered if it was a Kiwi fruit as the shape looks right. but if he has it in a pot and doesn't let it scramble/climb that would explain why there are no flowers/fruits.
19 Oct, 2019
That's probably so.
Have a look at this link …
19 Oct, 2019
yep that's the furry stems and leaf shape.
So a kiwi it is then. Thanks for the link it confirmed what I had an inkling about.
we make a good team :o)
19 Oct, 2019
Ha ! :D
I had my doubts about it being a Begonia and I am pleased you thought of Kiwi fruit. Begonia was the nearest I could get. The only other one I thought of was Polyscias scutellaria, but that hasn't got hairy stems and the leaf is a slightly different shape.
19 Oct, 2019
It looks like some type of Begonia, but which one I could not say.
18 Oct, 2019