By Lancs111
United Kingdom
is it too late to sow some perrenial seeds i bought, they are tumblin ted and oriental poppy allegro.
i was going to sow in a heated propogator, if they germinate how would i care for them overwinter?
7 Sep, 2010
no bamboo, i bought on ebay
7 Sep, 2010
ok will sow in spring, just thought id get them started and see how they fare, as ive heard they can be invasive.
7 Sep, 2010
sure can - I'd be inclined to start them off in seed trays and prick them out as they grow, that way you get to choose how many you put in the garden. All next spring, of course.
7 Sep, 2010
If you can give them some protection over winter, eg cold greenhouse or cold frame, then I would sow them now in pots.
7 Sep, 2010
got a cold greenhouse, thanks all will do
7 Sep, 2010
i did rudbecka late on, planted out in aurtum and they are lovely and stong wth loads of flowers. the ones i did this year, by the book are small, so i will b doing late 1 again kept in greenhouse
7 Sep, 2010
im gonna sow them today cristina in cold greenhouse and cover seed trays with a bit of glass
8 Sep, 2010
nice one i have dun wallflowers they were up in days.
10 Sep, 2010
Are there not instructions on the seed packets themselves? Just checked on Saponaria officionalis (which is what I think you might mean by Tumbling Ted) and it says sow in early spring where they are to flower.
7 Sep, 2010