By Billyh70
United Kingdom
My cyclamen have all died off ,how do I keep them for next year .
28 Nov, 2019
Thanks SBG which compost do you recommend please ?
29 Nov, 2019
I use a soil based one like John Innes no 3. it will reduce the risk of vine weevils laying eggs and the grubs do happily eat out the corm.
just out of curiosity which cyclamen are they?
29 Nov, 2019
Sorry they died SBG . I want to buy more and look after them properly this time. So J. I. No.3 it will be. Thanks.
3 Dec, 2019
if the corm is firm then the plant may regrow later in the year. put them somewhere dry and frost free and look at them every couple of weeks or so and see if you can see any new growth.
if corm soft and mushy or totally gone then yep you have lost them.
3 Dec, 2019
Hi Billy,
are they in the ground in pots or indoors. when you say died off do you mean flowers only or leaves as well?
It depends on which ones you have.
If they are a hardy one such as Cyclamen hederifolium and they are in the ground then there should be plenty of leaves.
If they are the small ones that are sold in places like B&Q for pots in autumn then they are probably not fully hardy and they will die off. If the corms are firm then pop them somewhere cool and dry and they should come back again next year. Having said that I have these in the unheated conservatory and they are just coming into flower.[ they are 10 yrs old now. repot in dryish compost and in a week give a small amount of water and if the corm is viable you may get new leaves.
if its the larger flowered indoor one then they shouldn't have died totally, either they have been frosted or overwatered. Again if the corm is still firm then repot into dry compost and in a week or so you may find new leaves forming.
28 Nov, 2019