By Born2bwild
United Kingdom
Hi I have been collecting dead flower heads to use the seeds to create a cottage garden and I wondered what is the best way to go about this? Do I need to sow the seeds individually in pots and bring them on over the winter and then plant out next spring or do I just sprinkle the seeds outdoors and if so when? There is a whole mix e.g Poppy seeds, love in a mist, rudbekia, cornflower, coreopsis etc. Many thanks, Dawn,
7 Sep, 2010
Thanks for advice
7 Sep, 2010
Hallo! Welcome to GOY, Born2bwild. ;-))
7 Sep, 2010
Previous question
Some and some, guest. Annual cornflowers and Nigella (Love in a mist) can certainly be sown where you want them to grow now. It depends if they're annual poppies, too - if they are, then you can also sprinkle those.
Rudbeckias and Coreopsis, however, are better sown in the spring, in trays or pots, and then planted out as small plants in late spring.
7 Sep, 2010