By Canalhopper
United Kingdom
I’ve been given a Creeping Jenny plant.
Would it be OK to plant it between paving stones, or does it need a damp environment—though I have to say that here in North Wales you’d be hard put to find a dry one!
25 Feb, 2020
I agree it will grow almost anywhere but it is a very easy plant to keep under control by just pulling away any excesses. The paved area could become slippery. Maybe an idea to grow it around the perimeter of that area rather than between the stones. It is a lovely plant with bright yellow flowers. I grow it in tubs and hanging baskets.
26 Feb, 2020
I have it between paving in the back garden and as said it pulls out easily if it gets out of hand. Happier in sun but will flower a bit in shade.
26 Feb, 2020
Should be fine - the soil underneath pavers is usually much damper than exposed soil elsewhere.
26 Feb, 2020
They do make great hanging baskets and you'll have control.
26 Feb, 2020
I reckon it is a plant once and weed out forever plant. I would not plant it at all.
26 Feb, 2020
Many thanks for all the replies. I think I’ll have a go with it between the slabs, which are well away form the rest of the garden
26 Feb, 2020
Mine arrived under the fence from next door. Like Bathgate, I grow it in a raised container and let it trail down
26 Feb, 2020
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Creepy Jenny crept into my garden & doesn't want to leave. Any moist or wet soil should do. Planting it is the easy part. It's one of the most invasive plants you can have. Enjoy!
26 Feb, 2020