By Kate123
East Yorkshire ,
United Kingdom
Hello everyone, just a query. We have cancelled our account with our lawn treatment service company this past week. We found that the grass was looking poor over the past year, despite all the added treatment and we were having to repair and treat ourselves where needed.
My question is; what does everyone else use on their lawn to help keep it looking healthy and green?
Thank you x
22 Mar, 2020
My hubby uses feed and weed with the moss killer added to it. It looks a mess when the moss goes black but on the whole it does the job.
22 Mar, 2020
My OH used to treat as SBG says but since he cannot now do it I have not got the time. We still have a large pack of Feed, weed and moss killer, a spreader and an electric moss scarifier but is the stuff likely to work after sitting in the hut for three years? The moss looks good all year compared to our neighbours very expensively pampered lawn. I have daisies, snowdrops, primroses and dandelions popping up to decorate it. None were planted but they look cheerful and attract the bees etc. Perfect for a too busy (never say lazy) gardener who treats them as a welcome addition of her wildlife friendly garden.
22 Mar, 2020
What do I use on my lawn - nothing! lol. Honestly I have a new gardener. He throws down some white powder in the beginning with a some new seed. I don't even know what that powder is. Then it's just a matter of keeping it trimmed. I'll use the sprinkler for July & August. The key is keeping it trimmed - every two weeks. That will force the lawn to thicken up like a carpet and THE LAWN will choke out the weeds. Consider putting down a foot path - flagstone or such like. This will keep people off the lawn. I don't use chemicals of any kind because I have lizards living out in the garden and they rely on insects and do a good job
22 Mar, 2020
Thank you all for your feedback!
Grandad gardener, you sound like a relaxed kind of chap. Straight to the point to! Nice one.
Think I’ll try some weed and feed, some sort of organic stuff, as we have a cat, visiting cats, foxes, birds, you know..wildlife..I’ll not include the moss killer, I think I may become a bit more bohemian with my lawn!
Scotsgran, the mossy lawn with spring flowers sounds pretty. Eileen, I know what you mean about it turning black initially, ours used to with the lawn treatment service, it soon recovered. I have to admit, I think the chaps who were coming this past year, a couple I saw, were slapdash and one was texting the whole time and missed treating half the grass!
Ooh I’d love lizards roaming around the garden, Bathgate! I’m envious. The only chance I get to see lizards is when on holiday abroad or on sale at the garden centre! 😊
22 Mar, 2020
When we used a lawn treatment company the grass looked fantastic but eventually became weakened through growing too fast and subject to fungus. Our back lawn now stays green with moss and buttercups. The front lawn just now has a great many self sown primroses but its green in between them! Guess we'll have to do something about it all eventually but I like to water treatments in rather than granules and I'm getting too long in the tooth to carry all those canfulls...
22 Mar, 2020
Hiya Sue, sounds like we had similar issues of sorts.. I’m liking everyone’s take on the lawn and grass..I’m a moss lover anyway, I love to see it on steps, paths and clambering up and over damp rocks etc.
In the scheme of things, it sounds like you have a pretty lawn like the others, full of life and lots for the insects to feast on..
22 Mar, 2020
To be honest I think these lawn treatment company’s are a rip off, it’s all about making money as quickly as they can with no real care, I have clients with large swathes of lawn and they come round and virtually run with one of those granual hoppers and sprayers and they seem very reluctant to clear out the thatch and moss and if they do then the price is way to excessive, most of my clients have sacked that well known treatment firm only to get another firm in that is just as bad, if a job is worth doing then it has to be done well and lawn care can be labour intensive, last year I have taken this task on myself, and I have made sure the lawns I have been doing are free from thatch and moss by scarifying throughout the year and feed weed with evergreen, the results are very good, yes the client may be paying me more than they did with the treatment company’s but at least they get the quality and attention to detail that is important in whatever field of work you are in, give it time Kate and you should see a big improvement it won’t happen overnight but with plenty of effort it will be worth it, please keep us posted on how your lawn fares throughout the year.
22 Mar, 2020
Thank you Julien, I appreciate your feedback very much! I have to agree with you on reflection, these companies aren’t in it for the love of the lawn are they? At least you love what you do and it is passed on through your work for others..
I’m looking forward, actually, to putting in the care and effort myself now, then I can see the progress and maybe gain some self achievement too! Bonus!
23 Mar, 2020
Ah Julien, I wish you would come over and look after mine....
23 Mar, 2020
Kate: I'm going to post a few of my garden lizard pictures. You'll see why I don't use chemicals on my lawn. My gardener keeps it looking on point. So I may have a few dandelions here and there. Who really cares?! lol.
23 Mar, 2020
Talking of dandelions, nearly traditional time to pick for dandelion wine [St George's day, 23 April], make it and drink on Christmas day. Cheers
23 Mar, 2020
You should give us the recipe Grandad - we usually have lots! Come to think of it I gave all our wine making equipment away though...
23 Mar, 2020
I've only a small patch and TBH I just leave it to get on with it, daisies, moss, neighbour's cat poo & all. In the summer it goes brown, now it's green.
22 Mar, 2020