By Gerardine
United Kingdom
Hi everyone ,I have a 5 year old camellia bush ,it’s mostly in shade,forms buds but doesn’t was in flower when I bought it but since then it hasn’t.Its in the ground but I’m thinking of moving it to another positionMy mahonia tree kind of shades it a bit.when do you think would be the best time to do this.

8 Apr, 2020
Im wondering if its just far too dry there. Camellias need a lot of water and free drainage. I think you’d be best moving it. They have compact root balls, similar to a rhododendron. So get as much soil out with it as you can and water it well every few days until its established in its new spot. Its not going to flower now of course, but the new flower buds form during the as soon as you can!
8 Apr, 2020
..oh, and any situation that gives it shade from morning sunshine. They can take afternoon sun, but not morning sun.
8 Apr, 2020
Thanks for advice.yes I did think about feeding it .but will move it first I think.should I cut it down a bit first?
9 Apr, 2020
Hi Gerardine. I’m not sure. I’d only prune it if you want to reshape or reduce it. You’ll be putting it under stress by moving it. Maybe just tidy it up. Chances are, once moved, it will drop some leaves, so then you might want to give i5 a haircut, but as long as you feed and water it well it will be fine. I’ve moved one of mine twice and its never been better. I didn’t prune it.
9 Apr, 2020
Have you tried giving t some ericaceous feed - if not might be worth trying before risking moving it. (Just seeing those yellowing leaves)
8 Apr, 2020