By Shezza51
United Kingdom
Woodlice are invading and feasting on the apples on my 6ft dwarf apple too. Will a greaseband help deter them climbing up the trunk?
10 Apr, 2020
The woodlice are taking advantage of something else which makes the hole. Their 'teeth' are not strong enough to bite through an undamaged apple skin. What they are after is the moisture in the apple rather than the flesh. find out what is damaging the apple first, then the woodlice will not be a problem.
10 Apr, 2020
Just wondering how you still have any apples from last year?
12 Apr, 2020
welcome to GoY :o)
Do you mean apples left on the branches from last year? or was this a problem last year when you were harvesting them?
A grease band should stop them I would have thought.
10 Apr, 2020