By Magiliz
United Kingdom
Having just cut back a lot of ivy overgrowing a fence in a neglected corner of the garden, we've discovered two rose bushes that we didn't know were there. Is it too late in the year to prune them?
19 Apr, 2020
I doubt you'd do any harm. give them a good feed as well and you might get some flowers later!
19 Apr, 2020
if they have been engulfed by ivy then don't forget to condition the soil, feed and water well. the soil will be quite poor.
I pruned a rose last week and although I removed loads of top growth it looks ok and new shoots are forming.
20 Apr, 2020
Thanks everyone. I'll get pruning then.
20 Apr, 2020
Previous question
If they need pruning, then go to it. It's not too late.
19 Apr, 2020