By Seasidesal
United Kingdom
Hello ! I have some smallish pots with sweet peas just showing. ‘Something’ has burrowed a small hole although not eaten any plants - too small for a cat - and no poo. I have now covered them - any idea what ?

22 Apr, 2020
Well I never - netting for me in future thanks
22 Apr, 2020
I was going to say squirrel, but I don't have moles. I've seen birds do this too going after a worm or bug. The starlings, I love how they de-grub my lawn for me. If you see no damage, don't worry about it. If it really bothers you, gently lift them out with a table spoon without disturbing the root ball. If you choose to do this, I suggest giving each pea plant it's own individual pot. The pot seems crowded to me - I'm thinking long term.
22 Apr, 2020
its too small & neat for a squirrel at least the greys in my garden are not tidy. Also birds leave an awful mess behind them. Voles not moles Paul ;o).
23 Apr, 2020
Thanks everyone hope it’s a bird and not one of the other suggestions !
23 Apr, 2020
Thanks for the correction Eileen. Moles? Voles? They both make a mess and you can keep them. :). Are you a school teacher? You sound like my 5th grade school teacher. She corrected me all the time, but I loved her. Your pea plants look fine to me & you'll be having hot peas 'n butter very soon.
25 Apr, 2020
You know I was Paul but I taught 11-18 yr olds so not sure what grade that is in your home. The correction was done with a smile :o) .
25 Apr, 2020
That's a special gift you have Eileen and your students must love you too. Not all "teachers' have it.
25 Apr, 2020
Mouse or vole. I have had similar intrusions into pots and in my case it has eaten the beans i'd planted. I have spotted a furry brown bum disappearing down the staging in the greenhouse. A camera trap showed both visiting the greenhouse.
22 Apr, 2020