By Cazoo1
United Kingdom
Good Afternoon....Help please...I have had a Diosma "Breath of Heaven" in a trough for about two years no problems at all. It has gone all thru the winter staying a lovely dark green,then all of a sudden it died !! simply died !! Why ??? It is brittle and dry like an old Christmas tree.Yes it has been watered over the months.
If I were to severely cut it back do you think it would help to revive it...I am at a loss as to what I should do.

24 Apr, 2020
Well I have looked and Yes it is very well rooted. So I have gone with my gut instinct and pruned it right back...given it a feed of Seaweed fertilizer and I will see what happens. Fingers crossed Thanks for your input much appreciated.
If all goes well I will hopefully post a much nicer photo.
25 Apr, 2020
It's heart-breaking when something like this happens. My first thought would be Vine Weevil. The grubs hatch in the compost and eat plant roots. I suggest you lift it out of the pot and see if there are any roots left. Other than that I'm at a loss.
24 Apr, 2020