By Jennyspang
My fuchsias which have been in the garden for years did not lose their leaves at all this winter and were showing buds on them till the only frost we had in February. The leaves died instantly so I cut them down and now I have nothing. No new shoots. They look like they are now in their winter sleep or are they dead?
27 Apr, 2020
Agree, they normally recover. I've never had one fail to reappear eventually!
27 Apr, 2020
Welcome to GoY :o)
I suspect you will get new growth from the base as already said.
you could scratch the bark with your nail and see if it is green underneath. if green it is alive if brown that bit is dead. Try again closer to the soil see if it is green. don't throw it out until after july when if it was going to grow from the roots it would have done by then.
27 Apr, 2020
Leave them, there's a very good chance they will send up new shoots from the base as the weather & soil warms up.
27 Apr, 2020