United States
is this plant good for dogs? Euphorbia pulcherrima - Poinsettia
9 Sep, 2010
Definitely not good for eating, especially for dogs, but not as poisonous as folklore would have it.
9 Sep, 2010
Tugbrethil is about right.
You seem to see 'poinsettia is deadly' or 'poinsettia is not toxic' but only rarely that it is toxic but an adult would need to ingest a very large amount to produce symptoms.
Obviously, the amount required depends on the body weight of the mammal concerned but it is still a substantial amount relative to the creature.
9 Sep, 2010
Most dogs will chew a little, get their teeth and tongue coated in latex, get a tummy-ache, and never touch it again. On the other hand, a few dogs just don't know when to stop.
10 Sep, 2010
Previous question
Good for dogs? In terms of eating it, do you mean? No, not good for dogs, but unless your dog is elderly, or already ill with something else, poinsettia is unlikely to kill if eaten - it may cause vomiting and diarrhoea, or it may not.
9 Sep, 2010