By Brosy
United Kingdom
I also have this on blueberry leaves which are close to French beans

27 May, 2020
I agree with Seaburngirl - scorch from the sun.
27 May, 2020
It's plant rust. It's a fungal disease caused by excessive moisture. It should be dealt with and could potentially kill the entire bush.
27 May, 2020
Thank you all for your advice. I added another photo which as you can see is a young bush. It doesn’t seem to be bearing signs of fruit whereas one next to it is.
27 May, 2020
Have you sprayed the beans with anything, or added lime to the beans' bed?
27 May, 2020
We haven’t sprayed the beans or added lime to the beans bed. Should we have done that?
27 May, 2020
Thank you for your help and advice
27 May, 2020
Some insecticides or fungicides, if applied wrongly, can burn leaves in that manner. Parts of the UK have soil acid enough to discourage plant growth. Blueberries love acid soil...beans, not so much, so if you had limed the beans, that could have damaged the blueberries. Excess or unevenly applied lime can also damage the beans. You may or may not want to lime the beans: more info is needed, including the pH of your soil. If you do think that liming the beans would be useful, wait until next year's crop, and plant the beans at least 2 meters away from the blueberries.
27 May, 2020
Ok thank you that was helpful
28 May, 2020
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« Can anybody tell us what this is on French beans leaf? I also have a couple of blueberry...
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It does look like heat/sun scorch damage to me rather than disease.
see what others think.
27 May, 2020