By Anitamay777
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
Vine weevils? Do they attack cucumber plants, we have some in the greenhouse that were doing really well and all of a sudden 2 of them are collapsing, cannot think what it could be as there is nothing on the leaves and the nearby plants are OK?

10 Jun, 2020
We in NY have the cucumber beetle. Is that the same as your vine weevil? The larvae feed on roots. The adults feed on the leaves. If you suspect something is chomping on the roots. Repot that plant and clear off roots of any unwanted occupants. Check out this link for more info.
11 Jun, 2020
They are different beetles Paul. Cucumber beetle is one of 2 species and are found in the UK.
The striped cucumber beetle is either yellowish-green or orangeish-green with three black stripes down its back. The spotted cucumber beetle is also either yellowish-green or orangeish-green with 12 black spots on its back. Both pests are about 1/4 inch long. They also eat the leaves.
Vine weevils are a dull brown beetle about 1/2" long and are all female.
11 Jun, 2020
they can attack the roots of any plant. Carefully tip one out and see if you can see any grubs. They are not in a draught next to an open window/vent are they? the weather has changed quite quickly .
10 Jun, 2020